Saturday, 6 June 2015

Alcohol Abuse Health Effects

Alcohol abuse is a big problem for life but the person who is indulged in this normally does not understand the fatalities and consume alcohol with putting his life on the line. Drinking the alcohol in abusive manner may include beer, liquor or wine - - - and many other types. Alcohol is the top most substance in the world which is used and abused. There is a large statistics of people who die due to abusing alcohol. There are a large number of people who die from just taking alcohol in a manner throughout their life.

There are questions that what can be the normal intake of alcohol so that it is moderate enough to stay on the safe side? What are the results of using this substance? Many more question are raising regarding this issue.

Can Alcohol Aid Health?

There are some researches on the basis of health that alcohol in certain drinking manner can aid health and other issue. But if it aids health then what is the abuse of it - - - how it ruins the life and how much alcohol is dangerous?

Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol has large risk of being abused and reason for destruction of health and life then the percentage of aiding health. Alcohol abuse is normally defined as drinking it in big amount, getting in drunken state or intoxicating the body.

What is the moderate amount of drinking alcohol? The moderate amount of drinking alcohol for men is 2 drinks and 1 drink per day for women. 

But what standard is considered a single drink? A single drink may be defined as: in a single beer of 12ounces and vine of 5ounces and 14gram of pure alcohol is present. 

What is a heavy drinking considered? Heavy drinking is considered, consuming at least 5 or more drinks on a same event in the last one month in at least 5days a week.

What is a binge drinking? In this manner of consuming alcohol which makes the alcohol concentration in the blood up to 0.08 g/dL. It happen when a woman consumes 4 drinks and a man consumes 5 drinks and this happen in 2 hours.

So abused can be understand as when a person drinks up to the condition that he or she gets in drunken state or if someone consume alcohol for getting high effects. One should not rely on consuming alcohol one moderate level because this level can easily be increased and a person can abuse and get in danger.

How People Abuse Alcohol?

Abusing alcohol means to consume alcohol in high amount or more than the moderate level. The signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse may include:

  • Drinking in way to get out of the depression
  • Hiding the habit of dinking
  • Lying about drinking
  • Seeking relax by drinking
  • Crossing the moderate level
  • Having guilt of drinking
  • Memory lapse during drinking
  • Blackout while drinking
  • Staying away from work or studies
  • Spending extra money on drinking
  • Having difficulties in quitting drinking
  • Alcohol withdrawal impacts after leaving alcohol
  • Experiencing financial crises due to extra money on drinking