Thursday 14 May 2015

Ritalin Addiction Symptoms

People ask a simple question - - - is Ritalin really Addictive? Yes of course. Ritalin is very addictive and also expert agree that it comprises the similar effects and symptoms as the cocaine and meth do and it is in a large number abuse to get high as people use cocaine and meth.

As the matter of fact that, if a person takes Ritalin in high doses in a rapid manner like injecting it or snorting it just to get the high feeling, by this, the person get the same effects and feelings when they use any other stimulant drug or substance.

So, the thing which is the main that how can you come to know that if you or any person close to you in your family or in your friends, is addicted to Ritalin? What will your step then? Here is a short discussion n how to identify if addiction is started or what are the signs and symptoms of addiction are.

Signs of Addiction to Ritalin

It gets sometimes very hard to identify the signs and symptoms of addiction in you or in person close to you that if you are abusing or getting dependency on the drug. Although it gets a little easier, when you perceive the changes in behavior or changes physically then you can tell that Ritalin is being abused of dependency is being created. The common or possibly occurring symptoms of addition to Ritalin are as follows:

Signs Relating to Studies

The person addiction to Ritalin may shoe a sudden disinterest in the work or studies and student may start missing the classes and not attending activities. Moreover the student may be appearing good in grades suddenly and you may notice that the student having no problem in staying up late in the night for studying.

Signs Relating to Physical Health

The person who is caught in this addiction may be appeared with great boost and energy and the power of focusing on things is a clear indication of addiction to Ritalin. The sign may comprise hypertension, sleeplessness, rapid respiration and palpitation.

Sign Relating to Behavioral Changes

The person who is addicted will appear energetic and with boosted energy because Ritalin causes feeling of euphoria and elation. The person addicted may not eat much and the sleeping schedule may get changed. The person addicted when not sleep much or stay awaked for long time period the person will seem to have tiredness.

Signs Relating to Spending Money to Get Ritalin

The person who is addicted to Ritalin shows a big sign of buying Ritalin from black market. The person who s addicted and does not have a prescription then the person may start to buy it from other means or try to steal money or someone’s drug to get that requirement fulfilled.

Hope these signs of addiction are good enough to check whether the addiction happened or not. If you know that you or your loved one in addiction to Ritalin, it is necessary find a better solution and treatment quick.